Monday, May 18, 2015

Strong Tower

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe." Proverbs 18:10

Sunday, May 17, 2015

God's values, my values

I haven't really been reading the Bible for a couple months. I'm pretty sure that's why I haven't been handling things right, especially relationships. My family, co-workers, friends. They've all had to deal with me while I was thinking that I could handle life on my own.

I'm realizing that I can't, because I keep failing to do things right and because even when my family was here, I didn't have a lot of joy. Even when I was off work and with the people I love the most, it wasn't enough. I was happier, but I knew that it would be over soon. And then I'd feel like life was meaningless once again.

So I'm finally back and I intend to stay that way- truly. It's hard to read the Bible consistently and it's hard to face my problems and change, and it's even harder to depend on God every day, but I'm going to do it. And I'll tell you about some of it.

Today I read Proverbs 17, and the thing that struck me the most is the difference between God's values and my values in relationships. I tend to think that I should state my opinions/ how I feel, tell people when they're wrong, be my own person, not let people tell me what to do, and show them that they can't treat me badly. God says to cover an offense, that rebellion is evil, quit before the quarrel breaks out, love my friends at all times, by loving strife I love transgression, I can benefit others by my JOY- not by showing how I really feel- I should RESTRAIN my words and have a cool spirit, and I should keep silent! Wow- it's radically different that the things I have- secretly or explicitly- believed about my interactions with other people. I really want to change and with God's help, I will.